Patients’ rights chart
1- Optimum reception of health services is the patients’right . The rights shall be :
- Worthy of human dignity and with respect for the values, beliefs , cultural and religious beliefs
- Based on honesty , fairness , courtesy and kindness.
- Without any discrimination of any kind , including ethnic , cultural , religious and type of gender and disease.
- Based on updated knowledge.
- Based on the superiority of patient's interests.
- About the distribution of health resources,based onjustice and treatment priorities of patients.
- Based on the coordination of care principles including prevention , diagnosis , treatment and rehabilitation.
- Along with providing all necessary and basic facilities, away from inflicting pain and suffering and unnecessary restrictions .
- Paid special attention to the rights of vulnerable groups of society , including children, pregnant women , the elderly , psychiatric patients , prisoners , mentally and physically disabled people and people without a guardian.
- In the fastest possible time and with respect for the patient's time.
- Taking into account factors such as language , age and gender of service recipients.
- Urgent and essential care (EMS) shall bed one regardless of providing for theexpenses. In the case of non-urgent (elective) shall be based on defined criteria.
- In necessary and urgent care and (EMS) , if providing appropriate services was not possible , it is necessary to transfer the patient to an equipped unit after providing essential services and necessary explanations.
- In the final stages of life in which the patient's condition is irreversible and death is imminent , caregiving shall bewith the aims of maintaining patients comfort. By comfort it is meant alleviate the suffering of patients , considering the psychological , social , spiritual and emotional needs of patients and their family at the time of death. Patients who are passing away have right to be with someone they would likein final moments of their life.
2-1 - Information must be appropriately and adequately provided for the patients The information includes:
Patients' rights chart at the time of admission:
- Terms and predictable costs of hospital, including medical and non- medical services and insurance regulations and introduction of supporting systems at the time of admission.
- Name, responsibility and professional rank of medical staff in charge of providing care , including doctors, nurses, students and their professional relationship with each other
- Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and the strengths and weaknesses of each method and its possible complications, diagnosis, prognosis and complications as well as all affecting information on the patients' decision making process.
- The availability of physicians and main members of the medical group during treatment.
- All measures which have the research identity.
- Providing the necessary training for continuation of the treatment.
2-2 - Providing information shall be as follows:
- Information should be provided at the right time and appropriate to the patient’s condition, including anxiety and pain and his/her personal characteristics such as language, education and understanding ability, unless:
- Delay in treatment due to the presentation of mentioned information causes harm to the patient; (in this case the transfer of information after the necessary action, must be done at the right time).
- Patients in spite of being aware of the right to receive information, refuse to do that, in this case the patients’ wishes must be respected, unless the lack of patients information expose them or others to serious danger.
- patients could have access to all registered information in their medical records and receive their copies and ask for the correction of mistakes contained in it.
3-1- Patients’ right to choose and decide freely in receiving health services must be respected.
Patients have rights:
- To choose a physician and health care provider center in the framework of the regulations.
- To choose and ask the opinion of a second doctor as a consultant.
- To participate or not participate in any type of research, making sure that the decision had no effect on the continuity of the health services.
- To accept or reject recommended treatment after becoming aware of the potential side effects of acceptance or rejection, except in cases of suicide or some cases that the refusal of treatment exposed another person into a serious risk.
- The patient's point of view about future treatment measures must be registered when patients are qualified for decision-making and used itas a guide for medical procedures in the absence of his decision-making capacity in compliance with legal standards and considered by health service providers and patients representative decision makers.
2-3 - Conditions of choices and decisions include the followings:
- The patient must be free and aware about making choices and making decisions based on receiving adequate and comprehensive information (mentioned in the second paragraph).
- After providing the information, necessary and sufficient time must be given to the patient to decide and choose.
4 -Providing health services must be based on respect for patients’ privacy (right of privacy) and the principle of confidentiality.
- Respecting the confidentiality principle of all information related to the patient is mandatory except in cases specified by law.
- In all stages of care, either diagnosis or treatment, the patient privacy must be respected. For this purpose it is necessary to provide all necessary facilities to guarantee patients privacy.
- Only patients,treatment group, representative on behalf of patients and people who are authorized by law can have access to the information.
- Patients have the right to have their trusted person during all diagnostic procedures, such as examination.Companionship of one of the child's parents at all stages is his/her right unless it is against medical necessity.
5- Access to the effective complaint handling is patient’s right.
- Every patient has right to complain to the competent authorities in the case of any violationin his/her rights that is the subject of this Charter, without impairment in the quality of given health services.
- Patients have right to be informed of the process of the investigation and the results of their complaint.
- Damages resulting from mistakes of health service providers, after investigations and confirmation according to the regulations, must be reimbursed as soon as possible.
• During the implementation of the Charter if the patient lacks capacity to decide for whatever reasons, the exercise of all rights of the patient in the Charter would be responsibility of legal representative decision-maker.
• Of course, if the representative decision maker against doctor’s opinion prevents the treatment, the doctor can ask for revision of the decision through competent authorities.
• If the patient lacks the capacity to make decisions, but can reasonably decide in some parts of the healing process, his decision must be respected.
• Implementing procedures for the above issues have been written in the hospital and is available in the booklet of policies of accreditation documents file in wards and units.